Our Mission

Here at Tin Grins, we prevent and treat dental and facial irregularities to give you a healthy, attractive smile that’s good for life. We are committed to providing affordable excellence in an open, sincere and caring atmosphere.

Balancing the face teeth, lips and jaws will create a level of self-confidence and self esteem that can only benefit you not only socially, but will also improve your career and your life.

Straight teeth contribute to healthy teeth and gums and may alleviate or prevent physical damage to not only your smile, but to your overall health too. Come in and see the type of smile we can give you. Call us at 519-942-2322 or email us at tingrins@hotmail.ca for more details!

Why an Orthodontist ?

Just as there are specialists in medicine, such as cardiologists, radiologists, neurologist etc., there are specialists in dentistry. Fixing bad bites is the job of the Orthodontist – a dental specialist who diagnoses, prevents and treats dental and facial irregularities.

We treat a wide variety of malocclusions (misaligned aligned teeth and/or jaws) that affect young children, teens and adults. By seeking treatment early, an orthodontist can guide jaw growth, lower the risk of trauma to

protruded front teeth, correct harmful oral habits, improve appearance and self-esteem; guide permanent teeth into a more favorable position and improve the way the lips meet.

Who needs an Orthodontist ?

Both children and adults! One in five orthodontic patients is an adult. Adults are realizing that they can benefit from oral health and the self-esteem that comes from properly aligned teeth and a great smile.

Healthy teeth can be moved at almost any age. In fact, most orthodontic problems can be corrected as easily and effectively for adults as children. The orthodontic process can be slightly more complicated for adults since adults are not growing and therefore may have begun to experience the breakdown or loss of their teeth and bone that supports the teeth.

Adults have a high level of motivation and a great amount of compliance with the suggested course of orthodontic treatment. This in turn, makes adults great orthodontic patients.

Most adults are worried about wearing braces at “their age” but with all the cosmetic options available for braces today, your friends and co-workers will barely notice that you are wearing braces at all ! Nevertheless, Dr. Bacchus and his team will take this into special consideration when treating adult patients.  

How long will it take ?

After gathering the information that Dr. Bacchus requires with the diagnostic records, the Doctor will be able to determine how long treatment will take.

The length of treatment depends on the type of orthodontic treatment that is required for correction, the amount of growth remaining that could aid in treatment, tissue response, and the patients co-operation during treatment.

Determining the length of treatment also requires teamwork: the orthodontist, the dentist as well as the patient are key factors to obtaining a beautiful straight smile.

With all these things to take into consideration, orthodontic treatment can range from approximately 12 to 30 months.

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